Liesbeth Hens
Representative (Flemish Community)
Flemish Ministry of Education and Training
Education staff policy
Koning Albert II-Iaan 15
B-1210 Brussel
Tel.: +32 2 553 97 82
Fax: +32 2 553 98 05
E-mail: liesbeth.hens(at)
Flemish Ministry of Education and Training
Minister: Hilde Crevits
Koning Albert II-Iaan 15
B-1210 Brussels
Tel.: +32 2 552 68 00
Fax: +32 2 552 68 01
Email: kabinet.crevits(at)
Michèle Mombeek
Representative (French Community)
Chargée de Mission
Direction des Relations Internationales
Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Bvd Léopold II, 44
1080 Bruxelles
Tel. : +32 2 413.26.28
E-mail: michele.mombeek(at)
Ministry for Higher Education, Adult Education, University Hospitals, Youth Welfare, Houses of Justice, Youth, Sport and Promotion of Brussels:
Minister: Valérie GLATIGNY
Minister of Compulsory Education: Caroline DÉSIR